You can say sorry even to God

I was one day with my friend in Paro Takshang on one of the auspicious days. We reached one of its shrine rooms which is actually too small for both of us to prostrate and offer prayers. 

So I waited at threshold, when my friend prostrated. After it was done, he confidently took (without actually looking at it) a note from his pocket and placed above his forehead as we usually do when we make such offerings. He must have not seen. The note in his hand was 500Nu. note. I could clearly see from there. Yet I didn't tell him. I just waited thinking may be he's gonna really offer 500Nu. note there. 

But no sooner his prayers were done and the note descended just below his chin than the word SORRY WAI blurted out of his mouth. He actually thought it was 50Nu. note. He timidly took out one 50Nu. note from his pocket to offer there. That time he was so careful to pick only the 50Nu. note. He made my day. I was laughing the whole day.

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